terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2022









 Difícil não ficar hipnotizado com a cor laranja das flores do mulungu, cujo nome científico é Erythrina mulungu, árvore que normalmente floresce entre julho e setembro e que, nesse período, fica completamente desprovida de folhas. Essa planta é utilizada na medicina popular brasileira há muito tempo como um sedativo e calmante natural. Também aparecem relatos do uso no tratamento do estresse, da ansiedade e da depressão.

Atualmente, a mestranda Karina Cavallieri, orientada pelo professor e pesquisador Marcos Pivatto, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), está concluindo um estudo que irá trazer mais informações sobre a planta e os compostos existentes na casca do tronco da árvore. O foco da pesquisa é a descoberta e o isolamento de novos compostos bioativos, ou seja, substâncias que possam ser úteis no tratamento de doenças, dentre elas, aquelas negligenciadas, como a malária.

Baseada em pesquisa bibliográfica, a pós-graduanda notou que muitas “teorias” advindas do uso do mulungu na medicina popular já foram comprovadas, como a propriedade calmante, observada nos chás das cascas, além da atividade anti-inflamatória e do efeito analgésico. Mesmo que seu uso na medicina popular seja conhecido de longa data, pesquisas como a de Cavallieri são feitas para comprovar e compreender as propriedades farmacológicas para as quais a planta é utilizada, além de descobrir novas aplicações medicinais, auxiliando diretamente a comunidade. “A ideia é que, ao final da pesquisa, nós possamos propor outros fins medicinais além daqueles já descritos na medicina tradicional, ou ainda, que compostos dessa planta possam servir de inspiração para o desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos”, ressalta

O mulungu está incluso na Relação Nacional de Plantas Medicinais de Interesse ao Sistema Único de Saúde (Renisus), uma lista elaborada pelo Ministério da Saúde com base em espécies vegetais já utilizadas nos serviços de saúde estaduais e municipais, que foi baseada no conhecimento tradicional e em estudos químicos e farmacológicos. De acordo com Pivatto, “o estudo sistemático das plantas utilizadas pelo SUS é de extrema importância, uma vez que não há uniformidade na concentração dos componentes presentes na maioria das plantas vendidas nas feiras e, dependendo da época do ano, local e coleta, talvez os princípios ativos não estejam presentes. Assim, o uso de um chá teria apenas efeito placebo”.

 Para Cavallieri, a pesquisa pode trazer grandes benefícios à sociedade. A pós-graduanda ressalta a importância do incentivo dos estudos científicos: “a pesquisa é nosso trabalho, nós [pesquisadores] dedicamos dois anos das nossas vidas ou até mais no intuito de que os conhecimentos desenvolvidos tragam benefícios para a população”.

Os cientistas alertam que é preciso tomar cuidado com a premissa “se bem não fará, mal não causará”, pois, embora as plantas sejam uma alternativa importante para o tratamento das enfermidades, é necessário associar o conhecimento tradicional ao científico para se ter eficácia e segurança, dois pontos indispensáveis quando se fala em




Uma mina em suas mãos: conheça os principais minerais que estão dentro do seu celular

 por Instituto Minere em 23/Jul/2020


Uma mina em suas mãos: conheça os principais minerais que estão dentro do seu celular

Segundo alguns relatórios, estima-se que cerca de 5,1 bilhões de pessoas em todo mundo possuem algum tipo de aparelho celular. É provável que você faça parte desse número. Além disso, a chance de você estar lendo esse texto através de algum aparelho móvel, como um Smartphone, é bem grande. Esses aparelhos multi-tarefas, nos quais fazer ligações é uma das últimas preocupações de seus usuários, são verdadeiros micro computadores na palma das mãos. Eles possibilitam aos seus usuários ouvir músicas, assistir vídeos em alta qualidade, em telas cada vez mais bem feitas. Mas você já parou para pensar em quais elementos existem dentro desses celulares inteligentes que possibilitam essas multi funcionalidades?

A evolução dos celulares

Seu smartphone é composto de dezenas de elementos e ligas metálicas, que são produzidos a partir de minerais encontrados na natureza. De acordo com Larry Meinert, vice-diretor adjunto de energia e minerais do Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos, há 30 anos os celulares eram diferentes. Se por um lado eram grandes, por outro tinham pouquíssimas funções. Isso porque eram compostos de apenas 25 a 30 elementos. Nos dias de hoje, por outro lado, os celulares são menores, porém contam com uma enorme quantidade de minerais formando seus circuitos internos e sua estrutura. Resultado: multifunções.

Os smartphones de hoje têm uma variedade abundante de elementos, porém,

a maioria deles é usada apenas em quantidades minúsculas.

No entanto, cada um ainda é essencial para que esses dispositivos avançados funcionem”

Larry Meinert, vice-diretor adjunto de energia e minerais do Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos

O que há dentro do seu smartphone?

Os elementos que fazem parte da estrutura dos celulares são extraídos de minerais. Sendo assim, veja os principais deles:


Areia de sílica (quartzo)

Areia de sílica: a tela de vidro de um smartphone é relativamente durável porque os fabricantes de vidro combinam seu ingrediente principal que é a areia de sílica (ou quartzo) com materiais cerâmicos e adicionam potássio.


O gálio, extraído principalmente da bauxita (rocha), fornece luz de fundo do emissor de luz (LED).


O índio e o germânio são elementos extraídos do mineral esfalerita. O primeiro é usado no revestimento condutor da tela e germânio usado em displays e LEDs.



Esse mineral é uma das principais fontes de cobre, que é o elemento mais abundanete em um celular. É ele quem conduz eletricidade e calor.


É a principal fonte de silício, e é responsável pela base dos circuitos integrados de um smartphone.



O espodumênio é uma das principais fontes de lítio, que é um elemento usado nos cátodos das baterias, as chamadas “baterias de íons de lítio”.



A Wolframita é uma fonte de tungstênio, que atua como um dissipador de calor e fornece a massa para a vibração do celular.


Esse mineral é uma fonte primária de prata. As tintas à base de prata nas placas compostas criam caminhos elétricos.



Esse mineral é uma fonte de elementos de terras raras. Esses elementos são usados para produzir ímãs em alto-falantes, microfones e motores para vibração do celular.

Um celular é compostos por elementos de várias nacionalidades

Uma vez que os elementos são retirados de minerais e a geologia não obedece barreiras geográficas, os elementos para fabricar um celular virão de várias partes do planeta. Por exemplo, a areia industrial (quartzo) usada nas telas pode vir dos Estados Unidos ou da China, mas o potássio adicionado para aumentar a força da tela pode vir do Canadá, Rússia ou da Bielorrússia. O lítio usado em catodos de bateria por sair da Austrália, Chile e Argentina. Por outro lado, o tântalo usado no circuito de smartphones, é mais difícil de se obter, e vem principalmente do Congo, Ruanda e Brasil. Assim, quando estiver navegando pela internet com seu smartphone, saiba que está segurando uma verdadeira mina, com diversos minerais dos vários cantos da Terra

sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2022



 Segundo o site Saúde Brasil, do Ministério da Saúde, os benefícios da caminhada vão muito além do treino de pernas pelo fato de ser considerada uma atividade aeróbica que oferece prevenção de diversas doenças, como cardíacas, osteoporose, distúrbios do sono e cânceres de mama e ovários.

Por isso, para manter o seu corpo saudável, o exercício aeróbico tem recomendação de prática diária ou de três vezes por semana, sem intervalos com mais de dois dias seguidos.

Podemos citar alguns exemplos de exercícios dessa modalidade, como corrida, dança, natação, luta, ciclismo e até mesmo pular corda, sendo importantes para trabalhar a oxigenação dos músculos, ou seja, fazer com que o oxigênio seja a principal fonte de produção da energia a ser transportada para os músculos utilizados.

Confira a seguir alguns benefícios da caminhada, de acordo com o Ministério da Saúde.

Reduz a pressão arterial.

Estabiliza os níveis de colesterol.

Melhora o condicionamento físico.

Possibilita pernas e glúteos torneados ansiedade

Auxilia nas funções cardiovasculares e cardiorrespiratórias.

Previne determinadas doenças crônicas não transmissíveis.

Auxilia nas funções emocionais, como alívio de estresse e sintomas da ansiedade.



SÓDIOVilão da dieta brasileira regula volume sanguíneo, impulsos nervosos e contração muscular.

nuggets são alimentos industrializados ricos em sódio

O sódio é um conhecido vilão da pressão arterial, mas ele não pode ser totalmente banido da dieta pois cumpre funções vitais no organismo como a regulação do volume sanguíneo, formação dos impulsos nervosos e da contração muscular.


A dieta brasileira é tradicionalmente carregada de sódio, o que faz da hipertensão uma das doenças mais comuns do país, um em cada quatro brasileiros tem o problema. O consumo diário recomendado pela organização Mundial da Saúde é de no máximo 2 gramas de sódio por dia, o equivalente a 5 gramas de sal. A maior dificuldade no controle do sal está nas propriedades conservantes do mineral, o que levam ele a ser aqdicionado em quase todos os alimentos e até bebidas. O sódio está presente não apenas em alimentos salgados, principalmente os industrializados, mas também em doces e até na água.


O excesso de sal causa aumento da hipertensão e inchaço devido a retenção hídrica. A alimentação da grande maioria dos brasileiros dificilmente permite que alguém sofra com carência de sódio, mas vômito e diarreia por um período prolongado de tempo, além de algumas outras doenças específicas, podem levar a hiponatremia. Os sintomas da falta de sal no sangue incluem náuseas e vômitos, dor de cabeça, confusão mental, fadiga, inquietação, irritabilidade, fraqueza, perda de energia, espasmos musculares e cólicas.

Como a maioria dos alimentos contêm naturalmente sódio em sua composição, a dica é utilizar ervas para realçar o sabor dos pratos e evitar o excesso do mineral. Consulte sempre seu médico.











  Welcome to the Listening Time podcast. Hey everybody, this is Conner, and 

you're listening to Episode 54 of the Listening Time podcast. I hope you're all doing well. 

I'm in a really busy period of my life again, because I'm actually going to move this week 

again. I know that you probably remember from some episodes ago that I moved last 

year... less than a year ago, but now I'm moving again. And so, of course, everything is 

pretty hectic right now. In English, the word "hectic" just means chaotic or disorganized. 

So, everything is hectic right now, but I'm trying to record some episodes in advance so 

that I can release them and still stay on schedule and keep on working. 

And I have some other good news: I'm planning on starting to do weekly 

episodes again. Recently, I've just been doing bi-weekly episodes. This means one 

episode every two weeks. That's what I've been doing recently, but I'm going to try to do 

a weekly episode from here on out. I might not be able to sustain this rhythm forever, 

but I'm going to try to switch back to weekly episodes. So, I hope that it will be useful for 

you all to have a new episode every week, and hopefully, you guys appreciate that and 

you guys want more Listening Time episodes. So, hopefully, after this episode, the next 

one will be released in one week. So, I'm happy about that. Of course, this means that I 

need to do more work. I need to record more. But I think that I can do it. And so, I'm 

sure that'll be good news for most of you. 

And remember that you can become a Listening Time Member, Super Member or 

Family Member at www.patreon.com/listeningtime The link is below this episode in the 

Episode Description. If you need my specialized training on improving your listening and 

also on improving your pronunciation, this membership will be very helpful for you. So, if 

you can understand me but you still can't understand other native speakers, then I know 

that my training will be extremely helpful for you and will help you understand the sound 

system of English better so that you can understand native speakers better. 

So, make sure to become a Listening Time Member. And if you become a 

Listening Time Family Member, this means that you get my advanced podcast 

episodes. So, every month, I release an advanced episode where I speak at normal 

speed and I also provide the transcript. So, if you become a Listening Time Family 

Member, you get access to my advanced episodes, and this is what's going to help you 

reach an advanced listening level. Okay? So, make sure to join today. 

Alright, so in today's episode, I'm going to talk about job interviews. This is a topic 

that has been widely requested. When I say that it's been "widely requested", this just 

means that many people have requested this topic. So, it's been widely requested. A lot 

of you want to hear a podcast episode about job interviews, so I decided to do one. This 

isn't my field of expertise, but I thought that it would still be useful for you to hear me talk 

about job interviews ando give a few tips from my perspective. And at the end of the 

episode, I'll also give you some helpful phrases that you can use during job interviews. 

So, make sure to listen to the very end because I'm going to give you some helpful 

English phrases that you can use in job interviews. Remember that you have the 

transcript for this episode below this episode in the Episode Description. So, click on 

that link if you need it. Alright, let's get started. 

Okay, so first of all, let me talk about my experience with job interviews. So, I 

haven't had many interviews in my life. I've ha

The ones that I did in the US were for part-time jobs. So, I was just looking for jobs that I

could do while I was studying in high school or in college. And I think I just had one

interview for a full-time job, but I wasn't that interested in the job and I didn't really

prepare much for that interview. So, that wasn't a big disappointment when I didn't get

that job. But I think I did pretty well on the interviews that I did for part-time jobs. But like

I said, I haven't done many interviews. And in Mexico, I did a few interviews for teaching

jobs in different schools. And so, I did that when I first came to Mexico, but in the last six

years or so... maybe five and a half years... I haven't had any job interviews.

So, it's been a long time since I've done one. However, I often help students

prepare for job interviews that they have to do in English. So, I have a lot of experience

preparing students, at least with the English element of their job interviews. So, let me

just give a few tips that I have about job interviews. Remember that I'm not an expert. If

you really want intense interview training, then you should probably go to an expert, but

I can give a few of my thoughts as an English teacher... some tips that might help you


So, the first one is to have good structure with your answers. Okay? This is very

important in my opinion. So, when I train students for their job interviews, the number

one problem that I see is that their answers are hard to follow, and they're disorganized.

So, when I say that something is "hard to follow", this just means that I have trouble

understanding the logic or the structure of it. So, their answers are often hard to follow,

and this is because they don't have good structure. They don't organize their answers in

a logical way. In the US, we write a lot of essays in school, and these essays have a

very logical structure to them. If you don't know what an essay is, this is a paper that

you write... in school, usually... about a certain topic that has maybe five paragraphs or

maybe a lot more than that... but this is an essay. So, I wrote a lot of essays in school.

And like I said, these essays have a very logical structure that we're supposed to

follow. This structure can also be applied to interviews, and it can really help to organize

your answers. So, I wrote a lot of essays in school. And in an essay, you're supposed to

have an introduction paragraph, a few body paragraphs with your main points, and a

concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points. So, this is the structure of an

essay... essays that we write in the US, and you can apply a similar structure to your

interview answers.

So, the way that you can do this is to, first, restate the question, right? You

restate the question that the interviewer asks you in different words. And then, you go

over your main points, and then you restate the question again. So, for example, if the

question is, "What are your biggest strengths?" my answer could be "My biggest

strengths are", you see how I restated the question? Or I could say, "My three greatest

strengths are" and then I can list one, two and three, and then give my evidence for

each one, right? You want to make sure that you say each main point, and then you

give evidence and examples of each one to prove that you have each of those

strengths, for example. And then, at the end, of your final point, then you restate the

question again. You say, "...and so, these are my three greatest strengths".

You see that: you had an introductory sentence where you restated the question,

and then you had a few main points, and then you restated the question at the end to

summarize your answer. So, this is a very logical structure. It's very easy to follow. And

if you use this structure, your answers are going to sound organized. And even if you

don't have the best answer in the world, you'll have a very clear answer, and this is

going to help you, and it's going to make you look better in the eyes of the interviewer.

Okay? So, it sounds much better when you have a logical order, a logical structure to

your answers. So, this is my first piece of advice.

My next piece of advice is to try to stand out. When I say "stand out", what I'm

saying is you try to make yourself look different or special when compared to the other

candidates who are applying for this same position. Okay? Another problem that I see a

lot when I'm training my students is they give boring answers. As they're giving their

answer to my interview question, I kind of lose interest as they're talking. There's

nothing special about what they're saying, and it sounds like an answer that anyone

could give. And so, this is not good, because if you don't stand out, if your answer is a

little bit boring, then the interviewer probably isn't going to remember you. The

interviewer is going to remember the other person, the other candidate, who was more

interesting, who gave a more interesting answer. Okay?

So, I'm not saying that you have to be the most interesting person in the world

when you're talking. But what I am saying is that you want to distinguish yourself. What I

mean by this is that you want to give some information or talk in a way that makes the

person remember you as an individual. So, for example, they often ask the question,

"What separates you from other candidates?" and a lot of times when I asked my

students this question, they give me an answer that sounds like something any of the

candidates could say. They talk about their experience in the field, for example, or they

talk about how much they like this field of work. And that's something that any candidate

could say. That's not something that distinguishes you from the other people, right? You

want to highlight things that are different about you... things that are unique to you.

When I say "highlight" something, I'm saying that you emphasize it. You really try to

draw someone's attention to it.

So, I think that it's important to highlight your achievements. Highlight what

you've done, highlight what you've accomplished in your career or in your life, and don't

be afraid to show off a little bit. In English, when we say "show off", we mean that you

talk about your skills or your accomplishments or things like that, so that other people

can see how well you've done. So, don't be afraid to show off a little bit. Not too much,

but just a little bit. You want to show the interviewer what you've done. You want to show

the good things that you've achieved.

So, one of my students has been preparing for interviews recently, and he's

achieved a lot of success in his career, and he's done a lot of interesting things, and

he's solved some difficult problems in his work. And so, I can see that he's done a lot of

good stuff. But when he gives his answers, he doesn't really highlight these

achievements, so they don't really stand out. I don't really feel the weight of his

achievements. When I say the "weight" of something, I'm talking about the importance

of something. I don't really get the importance of his achievements, because he doesn't

really highlight them. He just talks about them in a normal way, just telling a normal

story, and he doesn't really emphasize how well he did on one task or one project or

something like that.

So, my second piece of advice for you is to try to stand out. Show your

achievements. Show how you're unique, and help the interviewer remember who you

are. He'll remember “Oh, that's the guy that solved this really difficult issue in his last

job”, or “that's the guy who has this really interesting experience that the other

candidates don't have”, right? Help him remember who you are. Make sure to stand out,


My third piece of advice is about nonverbal communication. When I say

“nonverbal communication”, I'm talking about the way that you communicate besides

speaking, okay? So, for example, your body language... this is really important. When

you're interviewing, especially with an American interviewer, it's really important to smile

and be friendly. Okay? This is really important in our culture, in settings where you're

talking to someone who you just met, or you're interviewing, it's really important to look

friendly and to make the other person feel like you're being friendly to them. Okay? So,

this is something that you can practice with in preparing for your interviews. Practice

smiling and having a body language that shows that you're comfortable and that you're

engaged, and don't look too rigid and stiff. In English, when we say “rigid” or “stiff”, this

just means that your body is not moving at all, and it's very tight, and it looks like you're

very tense. So, you don't want to look like that.

You want to look like you're comfortable. You want to look like you're happy to be

there. You want to look like you're interested in what the interviewer is saying. So, all of

these things are very important, right? We really value these things when we're talking

to people we want to feel that good energy, that good vibe from the other person. Okay?

So, that's really important. And also, your tone of voice... Okay? So... how you speak.

You don't want to speak with a monotone voice. A monotone voice is where you don't go

high or low with your voice. You just speak in the same exact tone, and there's no music

to your words. So, we don't want to speak like that. You want to go up and down and up

and down when you're speaking. And you want to speak naturally and not like you're

reading a script.

And that's another really important point: don't read your answers. I know that

many people do interviews remotely, nowadays, where you just connect via video call.

And so, some interview candidates might think that they can just pull up a document on

their screen and read their answers that they've prepared. But let me tell you that it's

extremely obvious when someone is reading their answer. Okay? Especially if you're

doing it in a language that isn't your own language.

So, if you're interviewing in English, and you try to read your answer, I can tell

within five seconds that you're reading. I've had this happen with students, where they

don't realize that I can instantly identify that they're reading an answer to me. But it's

really obvious. It's distracting and it doesn't feel real. So, do not read your answers. Try

to memorize the main points of your answer. And then recall that information and talk

naturally about it. Do not read your answers.

Okay, so lastly, I want to give you some useful phrases that you can use during

your interviews. These are phrases that come up a lot. In English, when I say “come

up”, in this context, I mean that it appears. So, these phrases appear a lot in answers,

so it's important to learn how to say them correctly. So, here's the first one. So, when

talking about your education and the degree that you have, we structure the sentence

like this: you can say “I earned my degree in” and then you say the subject, and then

you say “from”, and then you say the name of the university. So, for example, “I earned

my degree in English and Writing from Southern Oregon University”. Okay? So, that'show you talk about your education. Obviously, you can specify what type of degree it is:

a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, etc.

So, when talking about your experience in a certain field, this is how you can

structure that sentence. So, you can say, “I have” and then the number and then “years’

experience”, and then an -ing verb. For example, “I have three years experience

working in education”, okay, or “I have five years experience working in accounting”,

right? Do you see that structure? Or if you don't have a verb at the end, if you just want

to use a noun, it would be like this: “I have three years experience in the accounting

field”. Okay? So, that's another way you can structure this sentence.

Here's another one. When you talk about wanting to grow in your career, make

sure that you don't say “grow up”. I hear students say this all the time. Okay? If you're

talking about growing in your career, we do not use the phrasal verb “grow up”. “Grow

up” is only used to talk about a child's becoming an adult. Okay? So, in this context of

your career, we use the phrasal verb “move up”. So we would say this: “I want to move

up in my career”. Okay? So, you could also just say “grow”, but it's more common to say

“move up”. “I want to move up in my career”.

Another sentence that you can use to talk about growing and to talk about why

you're leaving your current job is this: you can say “there's no more room for growth in

my company”. This just means that you can't move up anymore in your company, and

that's why you're looking for a new job. You can say “there's no more room for growth

here” or “in this company”. Okay?

And the next one: when you're talking about where you see yourself in five years,

or in ten years, this is the structure that you can use: “In five years, I see myself” and

then you use an -ing verb. So, for example, “In five years, I see myself managing a

team of people”, or “In 10 years, I see myself taking on new responsibilities”. Okay? So,

that's a structure you can use when they ask you the question, “Where do you see

yourself in five years or 10 years?”

Okay, here's one more phrase. So, when you're rephrasing the question at the

end of your answer, like I talked about before, at the end, you want to restate the

question to summarize... when you do that, this is the phrase you can use, we say “So,

that's why...” blah, blah, blah. So, if the question is “Why do you want to work for our

company?” you would give your answer, and then at the end of your answer, you would

use this phrase: “So, that's why I want to work for this company”. Does that make

sense? This is how we restate the question at the end of our answer. This is really

important because it signals to the interviewer that you're done with your answer, that

you're finished. Okay? It really helps the interview move forward, and it helps your

answers sound very organized. Okay?

Alright, we’ll stop there for today. I hope this episode was interesting for you and

useful for you. Remember to become a Listening Time Member. You can click on the

link in the description below this episode, and you'll get my specialized training: my

seminars, my training videos, you'll get my advanced podcast episodes if you become a

Listening Time Family Member, and of course you get bonus episodes every month.

Okay? And also, remember that you have the transcript available also in the Episode

Description. Just click on that if you need it. And remember that I'm going to start doing

weekly podcast episodes now. So, the next episode should be just one week from this episode. So, very exciting. Alright, well, thank you for listening to this episode, and I'll

talk to you on the next episode of Listening Time.

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2022


As Estrelas são corpos celestes que têm luz própria. Elas são, na verdade, esferas gigantes compostas de gases que produzem reações nucleares mas, graças à gravidade, podem se manter vivas (sem se explodir) por trilhões de anos.

Na nossa galáxia - a Via Láctea - existem mais de cem bilhões de estrelas. O Sol é uma delas. As estrelas nascem nas nebulosas, que são imensas nuvens de gás compostas basicamente de Hidrogênio e o Hélio (os elementos mais comuns no Universo). Pode haver regiões da nebulosa com maior concentração de gases. Nessas regiões a força gravitacional é maior, o que faz com que ela começe a se contrair.

segunda-feira, 10 de outubro de 2022

Maconha e alcool

 A maconha é quase 144 vezes menos mortal do que o álcool, segundo uma pesquisa publicada na revista científica “Scientific Reports”. Um estudo divulgado na publicação científica “Scientific Reports“, subsidiária da revista “Nature”, mostra que a maconha é 114 menos letal do que o álcool. de longe a droga mais segura.

sábado, 8 de outubro de 2022


 As estrelas produzem a sua

 energia por um mecanismo

 chamado fusão nuclear.

 Nesse processo dois

 elementos simples se

 fundem para produzir um

 elemento mais pesado,

 liberando muita energia.


 Porteiros podem ter direito a 30% de adicional por insalubridade:              A Comissão de Trabalho, de Administração e Serviço Público d...