domingo, 5 de fevereiro de 2023


That Arizona sky
Burnin' in your eyes
You look at me and, babe, I wanna catch on fire
It's buried in my soul
Like California gold
You found the light in me that I couldn't find

So when I'm all choked up but I can't find the words
Every time we say goodbye, baby, it hurts
When the sun goes down
And the band won't play
I'll always remember us this way

Lovers in the night
Poets tryin' to write
We don't know how to rhyme but, damn, we try
But all I really know
You're where I wanna go
The part of me that's you will never die

So when I'm all choked up and I can't find the words
When you look at me
And the whole world fades
I'll always remember us this way  

For listeners at home, Neil is dressed up as a ghost. He's wearing a white bedsheet over his head with two holes cut out for his eyes, which must mean.
It's Halloween! The start of autumn, when the days get shorter and leaves fall from the trees, marks Halloween, a festival which is celebrated all over the world at this time of year. In Britain, people carve scary faces into pumpkins and children go trick-or-treating, dressing up in fancy dress costumes and visiting people's homes shouting, 'trick or treat!' for sweets and candy.

DAMN is the man who trusts another

There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth

She is in grieving weeping over her daughter 

My condolences 

My son had two wisdom teeth removed 

NUKES (armas nucleares)

NUCLEAR WARHEADS (Ogiva Nucleares)

I'm always gnashing my teeth when I'm sleeping 

I trust you, don't let me down

This guy is cuckold

A one way ticket

A round trip ticket

he is maneuvering the car

He is driving the car

He is parking

And Jesus Christ said: I'm the way, the truth and the life, no one goes to the father except through me.

hinterland moonlight

( luar do sertao)

I invest money on exanche stock, I used to buy shares 

I work in a foreign trade company 

Why prices are going up


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